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Amaya Heiselman

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  • Social Media

  • Influencer branding

  • Digital Marketing Strategy

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


  • Born and raised in Akron, Ohio in a multi-cultural household of two first-generation college graduates.

  • My father, a doctor from rural Kansas who worked his way through medical school, and my mother, an immigrant of the Philippines who established a life for herself in the United States through hard work and education, provided a unique perspective on the role of communication in connecting individuals and ideas from different backgrounds.

  • My diverse upbringing inspired my passions for a variety of different sectors, including fashion, storytelling, and the arts. 

    • Growing up, I pursued these passions through singing, modeling, piano, and creative writing.  ​

  • Seek to combine my unique background and interests with my communication and media strategy skills in a challenging, fast-paced work environment surrounded by those passionate about the field they practice in. 

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